'00 AMA Flat Track Grand National Champion Joe Kopp discusses the numbers from practice and qualifying with team co-owner Dave Lloyd during the break in the on-track action at the Springfield Mile round of the AMA Pro Flat Track K&N Filters presented by Motorcycle Superstore.com Grand National Championship Series on September 5. Kopp and the Lloyd Brothers Motorsports team managed this year to do what no other manufacturer other then Harley-Davidson had done in the AMA Pro Flat Track Series since August of '98. By winning the May round at the Yavapai Downs Mile in Arizona, the team managed to put the Ducati Hypermotard on the top of the box and broke a string of H-D wins in the series that had stood since Rich King won the Joliet Half Mile in August of '98 on a Team Corbin Honda RS750.
With riders Aaron King, Larry Pegram, Henry Wiles and Joe Kopp, the Lloyd Brothers team has fielded top-notch and competitive equipment in the series with the Aprilia, and of late the Big Ducati, for several years now and looked to have their first win a season or two ago before being denied that triumph with Henry Wiles at the Lima Half Mile. Putting the package together with Kopp for 2010 proved to be a mixed blessing. Kopp wins in Arizona in May, leads or is in contention for the championship right up until the end of the season (finishing second behind eventual champion Jake Johnson) and then makes it official what most everyone knew was most likely to happen at season's end, and retires from full-time competition.
With the 2011 AMA Pro Flat Track Grand National Championship Series season only a few months off with the opening Daytona Singles rounds on March 10 & 11, and the first Twins Series round scheduled for a return trip to the Yavapai Downs Mile on May 1, the Lloyd Brothers Motorsports team is currently looking for sponsorship for their team so they can put Henry Wiles back in the rider's seat to replace the now-retired Joe Kopp. According to team co-owner Dave Lloyd, they have agreements in place with Hammerin Hank to make this possible should the needed sponsorship come to fruition. And coming from a long-time fan and follower of this sport, that could be a lethal and winning combination to put on the grid, especially considering the development curve that was seen with the Big Ducati this year.
With the release of the 2011 AMA Pro Flat Track Grand National Championship Series schedule the other day and Christmas just a few short hours away at the end of the week, news comes to Stu's Shots today that one of the long-time competitors in the sport of AMA Flat Track is in need of a sponsor in order to move forward in the upcoming season. And this is no ordinary team either, but the Lloyd Brothers Motorsports team that fielded Joe Kopp, the '00 AMA Flat Track Grand National Champion on the LBM Ducati Hypermotard this year.
You might have heard of them. A little over seven months ago, Kopp took the Lloyd Brothers Ducati to the win at the Arizona Mile on the Yavapai Downs Mile, for the first win in the Twins Series since Rich King and Honda won at Joliet in August of 1998. The win that rocked the world in AMA Flat Track Racing!
Speaking with team co-owner Dave Lloyd this evening, he told us here at Stu's Shots that the team has provisions in place to bring Henry 'Hammerin Hank' Wiles back to the team to run all of the 2011 Twins Series events 'should the needed sponsorship become available.' Henry has ridden for the Lloyd Brothers squad in the past, having taken the team's Aprilia to an 'almost win' second place finish at Lima in June of '09. And with their background together and knowledge of how each operates, it would be a great fit for all to get the 2-Time AMA Pro Flat Track Singles Champion in the Ducati seat full-time for the upcoming season. With less then two months time to get plans together, Dave is 'cautiously optimistic' to be able to do so and feels there is a 'better then 50/50 chance' at this time that things will come together for Henry and the LBM squad. He did mention that should things NOT work out, Henry still has his 'options open' so that he can still put together something otherwise.
With the economy in the world, let alone just in the United States still in a flux, sponsorship in any sport or on any level is hard to come by. But this golden opportunity to hook up with one of the most professionally run teams (let alone professional looking teams!) in the sport of AMA Flat Track Racing, would be a great way for a company-or companies-to get on board with an established team, in an established sport that is growing and bringing fans back to the races again, as well as getting their name out to the motorcycle masses and racing fans. And with the team putting the Big Duc on the top of the box in Arizona, and then helping Kopp to finish second in the final championship standings, there is no doubt that there is no limit to what the possibilites could or would be for them in 2011, building and growing from their great season in 2010.
In spite of the 'supposed' lesser costs of racing in AMA Flat Track (compared to Nascar, AMA Road Racing, etc.), it still isn't cheap any way you look at it. Campaigning all Twins rounds this year except for Calistoga (where Kopp rode the Latus H-D XR) and Knoxville (which was rained out), the team spent $12K this year in diesel fuel alone for their transporter. And with sales of oils and lubricants down considerably in the 2010 year for their business, they just can't justify the spending to go racing without more sponsorship backing in the upcoming season. And for what this team has accomplished in such a short time (compared to the decades-long domination of the H-D XR750 in the series) it would be a damned shame to NOT see them back out on the track giving the XR750 a run for it's money in 2011. The level of professional the team displays and exudes on and off the track is unparalleled in any form of wheeled racing and can be seen in this or any shot I have displayed on Stu's Shots this year of the team. It is a well-oiled and fun atmosphere around this team, with winning in their sights and minds at all times in The Rolling Thunder Show.
So should you, or someone you know, be in the market to sponsor a winning and high-level and high-profile team in the great sport of AMA Flat Track Racing, then this shot to get on board with Dave and Mike Lloyd of Lloyd Brothers Motorsports, with 2-Time and defending AMA Pro Flat Track Singles Champion Henry Wiles twisting the throttle, is the golden opportunity to do so. And you'd be having one heckuva lot of fun while doing it, too!
You can contact Dave Lloyd via phone @ 614-402-3446 or via e-mail @ dave@lloydbrothersmotorsports.net. Or you can e-mail me @ stuman714@yahoo.com and I will not only be glad, but thrilled to death to be able to put you in contact with them.
This is the time to move and get on board the LBM train. It's moving fast and furious, and will be good for a fast and thrilling ride in 2011!
Dave and Mike Lloyd put out this video a few days ago on the team and how the Ducati came together and how the win at Yavapai Downs changed the course of history in AMA Flat Track Racing:
Here's the link to the team's website. This is another fine example of the professional look of the team and their ability to do it right:
This is another great example of the first class effort that LBM puts forward. This is their marketing package that gives you an idea of what they can and will do for a sponsor in the great sport of AMA Pro Flat Track Racing:
Tim White Photography had this great shot of Henry Wiles on the team's Aprilia from Hagerstown in 2009. Pretty good looking combination that looks great on, and off the track:
And finally, here is a great shot by Larry Lawrence at his great site The Rider Files.com. This is also one of Henry on the Lloyd Brothers Aprilia, but from Lima in 2009:
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