Scott 'The Screaming Chief/Mr. Daytona' Russell is scheduled to run the WERA Endurance race tomorrow at Miller Motorsports Park in Utah for Team Zyvax Yamaha. The team is a Graves Motorsports-sponsored team that consists of Dane Westby and Clinton Sellers, both of whom currently compete in the AMA Daytona Sportbike series. The Chief will be assisting them in their assault against the standard field of highly competitive WERA regulars, as well as Eric Bostrom, who will be racing for the first time since the end of the 2008 AMA season, in a tune-up ride for Graves along with big brother Ben and Chris Clark, who are currently team mates in the AMA Superbike Series for Clark Motorsports out of Las Vegas. It was announced a couple of weeks ago that E-Boz would be returning to the AMA Superbike Series at the end of July on a Yosh/Cycle World/Attack Performance Suzuki. Both teams will be on Graves-prepped and/or sponsored R6's for this race.
You can read the official release from Graves courtesy of RoadRacingWorld.com below, but if you are in the area this is a must-see event. To see this level of competition added to the already strong WERA racing standards will be an event to cherish! Let alone seeing The Chief and Eric back on the track again. Where's my magic carpet when I need it?!
The shot above is of Mr. Daytona in '92-the year he won the AMA Superbike Championship and the year before he went to Europe and won the World Superbike Championship for Team Muzzy Kawasaki. This was during practice for the weekend's events and Scott is making the ZX-7 based machine sing for the crowd.
Stu's Shots wishes The Chief the very best and I can only say I wish I could be there to see him on the track again. After his horrifying accident on the Ducati on the Daytona start line in '01 I didn't ever think we'd see him in active competition again-or at least not on a road racer. It will be like old times, and I hope a camera crew is on hand to film some of it. Monumental! And again, if you are in the area, check it out! It should be well worth your while.......
Thanks again to RoadRacingWorld.com for the Graves Motorsports release on this super event:
You also have a local roadracing talent riding in the wera endurance race,James Dellinger from indy will be riding the TOBC #166 600 Suzuki and also competing in the 600 superstock, 600superbike, 750 superbike classes on his yamaha R6 and competing in 2 other classes on his Suzuki 1000,James is currently in the points lead in wera 750 superbike and 600 superbike National Challenge points